Some of my most real and intimate moments have been with complete strangers. Within minutes of meeting them, they open up their hearts to me. Why doesn't the bagger at the grocery store do this? Why doesn't my boss come up and poor her heart out on my desk? Doesn't anyone have any guts anymore? doesn't anyone have a heart, or a good story?
Tonight I'm up thinking about the real people. The stern survivors. The unbelievers who do their best at this thing called life. Tonight, I'm thinking of you, Mike.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Posted by
7:59 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
goodbye, for now
I have not used this blog very often to express my personal life. I usually save that content for my journal, which I have not been using much lately. In an effort to increase everyday reflection on my life, my family and all the smiles, tears, adventures and hardships that go along with that, I am going to start posting more personal content.
Today I leave for the Eddie Adams workshop. It's an intensive four day workshop held in Jeffersonville, NY. I am very humbled and excited to be a part of this prestigious experience. I am going to go into this with no inhibitions or preconceptions. I am going to open my heart, my ears and my eyes and internalize everything I can.
Although I am very excited to get the trip under way, I didn't consider how hard it would be leaving Cohen for more than a couple hours. This will be the first time that we will spend more than 12 hours apart. It's and interesting emotional experience, to love something so much it hurts, but I have cherished every second so far. People say that parenting is the greatest thing ever. The jury is still out, but I can see how it could be true.
I snapped this picture before I dropped off Cohen at the sitters and headed to the airport. It's amazing. Cohen really looks at you. He studies everything he sees. I will miss that look.
See you in one week,
Posted by
9:42 AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
fly on the wall
When I am working with subjects I try and be a fly on the wall, but lately, I have been feeling like this?
Posted by
1:03 PM